National Champions

National Champions are choosen based on five aspects: Notebook, Marketing Presentation, Spirit & Sportsmanship, Exhibit & Interviews, and Robot Performance. For a team to be included in Nationals, they must have competed at a Competition during the 2024 season. Team's scores for the first four item listed above are composed from the team's standing at their Championship. A team's Robot Performance is calculated based on all team eligable to be a national champion.

We have not finished collecting results for the 2024 season.
Please check back at a later date.

2024 BEST Robotics National Champion

{{addTag(x.NationalRank)}} Place
{{ x.teamName }}
{{x.BESTScore | number: 2}}

2024 BEST Robotics National Runner-Ups

{{addTag(x.NationalRank)}} Place
{{ x.teamName }}
{{x.BESTScore | number: 2}}

2024 National
BEST Robotics Teams

Rank Team Hub
{{x.NationalRank}} {{ appService.fxTeamNo(x.teamNo) }} {{x.teamName}} {{x.hub_name}}
If you have questions or concerns about the information shown, please contact your local hub representative.
version {{version}}
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